The First Sign


    Hello Everybody! Tonight is the perfect night for a blog since the aftermath has happened since I walked out of work all pissed off last Friday. I did what I said I was going to do and showed back up the following Monday as if nothing happened and my crew pretty much ignored the fact that I walked out early. I felt like I didn't really get my point across so I decided to leave 5 hours early on Monday. Of course I stated that I was not feeling well, and I wasn't. Mentally. Well tonight at work I got called into the managers office and he asked me if I left early without telling anyone and I said I did with a smile on my face (blocked by a damn mask.) The manager didn't really know how to take my response and said as long as I documented it correctly it'll be excused but also to never do it again. So I think my job is safe for now that's until I inform him I need 10 consecutive days off next month so I can enjoy some beautiful Mexican beaches.

    I hope I keep my job though, it's the first job in awhile that I haven't been totally miserable at. I get along with just about the entire hospital staff except for some nurses and one person on my crew. Not gonna win them all, what are you gonna do?  I recently held a job that I dreaded going to 24/7. I used to work for the government and it was brutally boring. I can't really get into what I did for the government but just know it was misery for me. And if you are someone who is in the same situation, get the hell out as soon as you can. Life is too short to be miserable all day. After one horrible day on July 27th, 2016 I finally made it home after work. It was about 90F that day and even hotter inside my house. The phone rang and it was my mom telling me the unfortunate news that one of my cousins had died of a freak heart attack. I couldn't  believe it because her sister just died 6 months prior to that and I haven't even processed that loss yet. I needed to get the stress out so I went for a 4 mile run.

    I showered after my run and joined my wife out on the front porch. I cracked open beer took one sip and my wife passed me a joint and took one hit. Nothing to brag about but pertinent to the story, my tolerances for both LEGAL substances are fairly high. I started looking at the house across the street and it felt like everything was spinning. I thought I was tripping hard didn't think anything of it. But then it got worse, felt like I couldn't move. I could feel my heart beating and it was racing. I finally made it to my feet and went into the house. It looked like a strobe light going off but instead of light it was darkness as if I were about to pass out. I started to worry and my wife was very concerned. I felt like I was circling the drain and all I could think about was my cousin who just died that day from a fluke heart attack. It was decision time, call 9-1-1 or do nothing and end up like my poor cousin.

    I laid on the couch as I heard the sirens zeroing in on my house. When the local fire department arrived I couldn't be more humiliated because I was just a member of this very department not too long before this happened. I was short of breath, rapid heart beat, and was feeling like I was going to pass out so they took me to the hospital.

    The hospital staff ran labs on me and showed that I was dangerously dehydrated which made since given the the temperature and the activity. The doctor entered the room and asked if I use meth! He said I was showing signs of meth use and I definitely encouraged him to drug test me which they did. And I was clear from being a meth-head. After being at the local hospital for a few hours the doctor just had one more question for me that would change my life. He asked, "Have you ever be diagnosed for depression?" ME!? Depressed!? He had to be joking but unfortunately he was not. I went home being informed I had a full blown anxiety attack and to take the depression possibility seriously. I thought the worst part was over after I received the medical bill but little did I know that this little episode was just the calm before the storm.  

    That story is definitely heading to some crazier ones but I truly believe that everything happens for a reason good or bad. And now I look back I see this episode as a total blessing in disguise. Even though I am nowhere near out of the woods yet. I will also keep y'all posted on when the podcast is going to start so I can actually get my voice out there. I plan on recording 3 episodes before I release them. I plan on start the recording process by the end of next week. And please visit to hear my demos and for your voice over needs. I am going to step off now, thank you so much for reading and I bid you a farewell.



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